Board of Education Meeting Recap

The Bluford Board of Education held its regular November meeting on Tuesday, November 15.  Information from administration was shared with the Board that included:

  • 143 students were on the honor roll for the first term

  • 5 seniors will soon be announced as Illinois State Scholars

  • The junior high hosted a Veteran’s Day program/lunch for family and friends of junior high students.

  • Nathaniel Marlow and Jaxon Dalby recently competed at the state cross country meet in Peoria.

  • The newly formed high school bowling team has 16 participants. 

  • A grant was received for the science department to purchase two 3D printers.

  • Construction of the concession stand at the track complex is underway. 

The Board acted to approve Hannah Pierce as a high school volunteer assistant girls basketball coach.  Additionally, the Board approved a tentative tax levy for 2022.  

The Board also acted to approve a contract for Mr. Adam Cross as the next superintendent to begin July 1, 2023.  Cross, a native of Dahlgren, began his career in education with the Carmi-White County school district as a science teacher.  He currently serves as the principal at Trico High School.  Speaking of the opportunity to serve as the next Superintendent Cross stated, “I am honored to be selected as the next Superintendent of Bluford School District. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the students, faculty/staff, and community by fostering positive relationships and partnerships to improve our schools." 

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 15, at the district office.